Top Things the Anderson Family Loves About York County

Aaron J. Anderson
10 min readSep 15, 2023
Source: Aaron Anderson

York County, Pennsylvania is a great place to raise a family. The landscape is beautiful, there is a great diversity of rural activities, abundant parks, and a growing list of local activities in York City.

In addition, York is only a couple of hours from larger destinations like Washington DC, New York City, Philadelphia, and the Atlantic Ocean. Add local destinations like Gettysburg, Baltimore, the Amish country in Lancaster, Harrisburg, and Hershey and you have a huge variety of things to do with a family.

Source: Aaron Anderson

My love for York County has taken time to develop. In fact, we tried to move from York County to different parts of the United States at least three times. We can now truly say that we are glad God kept us here.

York County has become home to the Anderson family. The people that live here in York City, Dover, Red Lion, and elsewhere throughout the county are “our people.”

My wife, Gail, and I moved to York in 2004 from Raleigh, North Carolina with three little kids in tow. Our oldest son, Ellis, was four, our oldest daughter Emily was two, and Luke was seven months old.



Aaron J. Anderson

CEO of Logos Academy & LogosWorks in York, PA, Dad of 6, Lead Pastor of Living Word Community Church, Red Lion, PA.