The Man Asleep in the Snow

Aaron J. Anderson
6 min readFeb 27, 2021

Please don’t turn away from this post because it is difficult to read. I want to share what is stirring in my heart during this Lent season of personal reflection and repentance and hope this stirs something in you as well.

During one of our recent snowfalls, my wife and I took the kids to one of our favorite sledding destinations. In the midst of our shivering and laughter, one of the kids noticed movement in a nearby patch of trees. It was a man adjusting his sleeping bag. A man sleeping in the snow.

A local friend has been privately messaging me, frantically trying to help a friend who he believes has been wrongfully imprisoned. The imprisoned man has a medical condition not being cared for in the prison, and his family is at risk in ways I can’t spell out here.

An international friend wrote me recently about a woman named Deborah. Her newborn baby was malnutritioned and seeking help for her baby. My friend wrote me a couple of days later informing me that the baby did not survive.

“While each of us cannot solve all the world’s problems, the one option we have not been afforded is to do nothing.”

An impoverished baby the world could not feed. An imprisoned man whose family is in dire straits. A homeless man asleep in the snow.



Aaron J. Anderson

CEO of Logos Academy & LogosWorks in York, PA, Dad of 6, Lead Pastor of Living Word Community Church, Red Lion, PA.